Community Outreach Program

Faculty of Law, University of Malaya

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Some updates-23/3/2010

Firstly, congrats to the new board. I hope you guys do a good job throughout your tenure. And to the old board, thanx a million for a job well done. You guys served well.

So, here's the new board:-

Director: Stella Jelica Joseph
D.Director: Wan Amira Ruzaini (Mya)
Secretary: Nor Hafizah (Fiza)
Treasurer: Nurul Shafiqah (Ieqa)

(I might get the post all mixed up but that's basically it-the all gurl HICOM for 2010/2011)

Now for some activity update:

Our last visit for this session will be to Kajang on the 3rd of April than everyone is off for the exams and holidays....

But, on the 12th of April, COP will play host to the visiting PSU students. So to the members who are involved, have fun...but remember, hard work always comes before fun and games...

If luck permits, we will also bring some students to Pancasila Uni for a workshop (it's gonna be like the PSU trip). This trip will be either late May or early June. We are planning to bring at least 4 students. Siapa? haven't actually decided. Just wait and see. And to reciprocate, we might be sending some students to PSU as well-when, who to be decided

The Chiangmai internship will go on as usual. I think 6 students have been chosen to go this time: Effah, Jihah,Butter, Aliah, Henry and ...sapa yea?

Anything else?


Unknown said...

Oooppss sorry....

Ieqa is the secretary while Fizah, the Treasurer.

The error is regretted!